5 Men arrive at the Ferry check in: Up comes Tracy all smartly dressed in her new uniform, and informs the men in the car that she cannot let them through because there are 5 of you in a Audi Quattro, and Quattro means 4, so one of you will have to get out and go as a walk on passenger. -- Don't be so silly, said the driver, look at the car's hand book and you'll see that it's designed to carry 5 passengers. -- I'm sorry said Tracy, but Quattro means 4, and there are 5 of you. It's more than my jobs worth to let you pass through, as you are clearly over loaded. -- Getting really frustrated, the Driver replied:- Get me your supervisor so I can talk to someone with a bit more intelligence. - I'm sorry sir, but at the moment Sharon is busy with those 2 men in the Fiat Uno.