Suggesting that anyone who considers IKR better than MSUK is a `fool' seems a rather foolish and sweeping statement. A lot of IKR racing takes place on MSUK licenced tracks and so you have all the same safety standards. IKR events can be better for some drivers as you do not need a licence, CoC may have the final decision (rather than have the appeals process that can waste so much time), you may not have to use drop-down bumpers - not sure if these have proven to improving driving standards. In some ways, IKR just strips out some areas that are not needed in club racing. If Alan is angry with the MSA/MSUK following the accident than I can see why. Without officials (who are paid a token fee only) there would be no racing and they should be able to expect some level of support if they are injured whilst carrying out their duties so long as they have not recklessly endangered themselves.