"our solar system's galaxy for pete's sake!"
OK ...slightly better (but only slightly). It isn't always easy to tell when you have simply made a typo, or made a crazy statement...you do quite a few of both! Even if two GALAXY's 'collide'. it does NOT happen over a period of a few years...it takes millions. The current situation of climate change that is worrying climatologists has happened over the last hundred years...in fact really, only half that. Such a rapid change is NOT going to be the result of galaxy subsorbtion.
"All i am doing is reporting on interesting N*E*W findings." No problem with that..in fact I support the reporting of....its your conclusions that can be somewhat ....er.....interesting!
"all he is doing is ranting and raving and not taking a blind bit of notice ramming the mainstream, closeted, BIGOTED, view that global warming, which I BELIEVE has now stopped, is caused by man alone!" Two points here... 1 ) Ian may rant and rave, but it is in a constructive way...he tries to get you to look again at what you have written, to see if you can see just HOW rediculous it can be. He does NOT insult for insults sake. 2 ) NOBODY is claiming that Global warming is caused by man ALONE! What even the most ardent climate change 'enthusiasts' claim is that the current RATE of change has been EXACERBATED by human activity. Of course the climate changes all the time...for the majority of earths history the climate would not support life. The problem is, the RATE of change of the climate over the last 50 years does not show up in any records previously. While it is extremely difficult to interpolate how the climate has altered in the past, particularly when it is prior to good record keeping, there are many methods of making a damn good estimate. There are a lot of good books covering the subject; I suggest you get some out of the library (like I did) and study them. Then, we can treat your BELEIFS with a little more respect. Just because something is mainstream, does NOT automatically mean it is untrue. I fail to see what people think the various governments arond the world have to benefit from highlighting the problem; the USA gov't spent a great deal of effort trying to IGNORE it!