...finding your level.
YOUR quote....MY CAPITALS.."Just how much influence the sun has on global temperatures has been the subject of sometimes acrimonious debate. While an upswing in solar activity may cause a warming trend, it was DISCOUNTED in the mid-1990s as the sole driver of current climate change. And for anyone hoping that a solar downswing might bail us out of our current dilemma: Solar influence on climate is SLIGHT COMPARED TO THE IMPACT OF MAN-MADE GREENHOUSE GASSES, a National Academy of Sciences report concluded in 1995."
"what it says there is that it is not cut and dried! it SAYS, blind eejuts! that a bunch of National Academy of sciences report,....oh whats the point!" WELL...what DOES it say there? It says that it HAS BEEN the subject of debate...not that it IS NOW!! It has been discounted....read the word...discounted! How much plainer do you want it?
"why won't you blinkered bigoted big-headed OLD ghets look at ALL the evidence." Well...each time you provide us with some, it seems to have a 'flaw' in it....such as being drawn from a childrens novel, or stating the exact opposite to what you say!
"there are countless NEW theories and NEW data being looked at that COULD influence what goes on with our climate." Of course there are...as there should be...but that is ALL they are, theories. So far, the Human intensified GW seems to fit with the most evidence.
"just have a think for a second!
look at the Vostok ice cores and all the phases of cooling and warming in this planet's history!did man made CO2 cause them? No it fekkin didn't you fekkin idiotic, old farrts!! natural cycles did, in the areas of our own planet's, tectonics, orbit, position, volcanic, energy influencing us from space and fundementally the Sun!"
"Language Timothy"
"itpro, you are a bully; well you need a slap! and if i ever meet you, you're gonna flippin get it! i fekkin eat bullies for breakfast and back up anyone who is targeted or affected by them! always have always will! i aint backing down here, and no matter what you call me, i aint no imbecile, just a decent bloke who is interested by ALTERNATIVE, GROUNDBREAKING, NON-MAINSTREAM, NON-GOVERNMENT SPONSORED, BIGOTED, ARROGANT, BLIND, STEALTH TAXING, BLATANTLY LYING BULL-CRUDD THEORIES!!!" No comment.
"P-R-O-V-E with links and data that MAN alone causes an increase in temperatures!!!!!!!!!!!!" Why? Nobody AT ALL has EVER stated such a tomfool thing!
You Really must try harder. 2/10