it will and is effecting us all!
Space and Science Research Center Milestone Events
The following milestones represent a record of key events for the Space and Science Research Center (SSRC) regarding the next climate change:
1. April 26-29, 2007. The final phase of an independent study into the influences of solar cycles on the Earth�s climate is concluded resulting in the �RC Theory.� This research was conducted by John Casey, a former White House space policy advisor and space shuttle engineer, who is now Director of the Space and Science Research Center. In addition to the theory being proposed as a model for future climate prediction, the research showed the next climate change would bring a period of deep and long lasting cold to the Earth, with potentially serious impacts on the world�s agricultural, social and economic systems.
2. April 30, 2007: Initial notification is made to the White House and later to major government agencies of coming cold era. This was the first alert sent to the White House and the administration of President George W. Bush warning of much colder temperatures globally as a result of the next climate change.
3. May 2007-Present: Through a series of early press releases, John Casey begins a multi-year, comprehensive, and intensive effort to have major US and international media outlets start coverage of the expected climate change to a potentially dangerous cold period. As such, Mr. Casey and the later formed Space and Science Research Center become the first to alert the media and the US citizens in an active public campaign of information about the coming climate change.
4. January 2, 2008: Space and Science Research Center (SSRC) is activated. It thus becomes the first US research organization dedicated to the science of and planning for the next climate change to a period of long lasting cold weather.
5. January 2, 2008: SSRC issues its first press release �Changes in the Sun�s Surface to Bring Next Climate Change.� This release includes use of the term �solar hibernation� to describe periods of reduced solar activity or sunspot minimums that result in dramatically colder climates on Earth. The SSRC web site was established at
6. January 14, 2008: SSRC issues its second press release, �New Climate Change Theory Gains Influential Support.� This release included praise from international scientists and a strong recommendation from past Chairman of the US House of Representatives Science Committee saying that (the RC Theory) �should be seriously considered�.� At the same time, other international scientists join with the SSRC to form the first of its kind research entity.
7. January 22, 2008: The SSRC posts on line the SSRC Research Report 1-2008, The RC Theory. The peer reviewed report is titled �The existence of �relational cycles� of solar activity on a multi-decadal to centennial scale, as significant models of climate change on Earth.� This pivotal report forms the core of research at the SSRC and includes the important prediction that ��the next solar minimum will likely be accompanied by the coldest period globally for the past 200 years and as such, has the potential to result in world wide, agricultural, social, and economic disruption.� This is believed to be the first such research report of an independent research organization to be posted on line via the internet for the specific purpose of alerting the world�s citizens to the next climate change.
8. June 2, 2008: SSRC notifies the governors of all US states of the need to prepare their states for the cold weather effects of the next climate change.
9. June 11, 2008: SSRC notifies all US Senators and leaders of the House of Representatives Science Committee of the ��imminent global climate change and the important effects it will have�.�
10. July 1, 2008: SSRC holds news conference to announce, �Global Warming Has Ended � The Next Climate Change to A Pronounced Cold Era Has Begun.� The SSRC issued its third press release for 2008 concurrently. The SSRC was the first independent research organization to make such a climate change declaration and was made at that time based upon conclusive evidence that the reduced solar activity and lower global temperature changes predicted by the RC Theory had come to pass.
11. September 22, 2008: SSRC Sends Letters to Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates. In a new Press Release SSRC 4-2008 and separate letters to the candidates, Senators John McCain, Barack Obama, Joseph Biden and Governor Sarah Palin, the SSRC asks the future US leaders to forgo climate change discussions during the remainder of the campaign and asks for rapid action to prepare the US for the next climate change after election. The letters also contained a warning of the potential consequences of the next climate change to a deep and long lasting cold era including massive grain crop losses.