Ian...I think you failed to get the point of Kudos posting. He didn't come up with any figures of his own, he simply quoted from a published source.
The point (I think) that he was making is that concentrating on speed ALONE is an inadequate approach to reducing KSI's.
You know I am with you all the way in supporting the use of more cameras. However, I too feel that this is not the real answer...my feelings are that we need to change road users ATTITUDE. We need to improve training, and introduce regular tests for ALL drivers, to make sure that the improved training 'sticks'. Reducing speed limits has little effect unless we can enforce them. Cameras help to enforce them, but can only detect speed..not bad driving. More dedicated traffic police that can observe and report other examples of bad driving should be funded by the income from the cameras.
I think we should be SUPPORTIVE of anyone raising discussion om improving road safety...criticise their CONCLUSIONS if you must, not their intention.