"PC Gerard Sharratt was involved in a 100mph training exercise, with three students in his car, acting as a �bandit�, being chased by another car driven by a police student. He rounded a left hand bend and �did a double-take� when he saw cars queuing in front of him, braked, skidded and hit the stationary car owned by Miss Judith Wood, 27, at 56 mph. Sharratt had been driving at between 100 and 116mph when he had braked. "
from http://prisonerjw7874.blogspot.com/2004/07/to-protect-and-serve.html
so, not just speeding then.
nor "doing EXACTLY what was ASKED of him by our society"
"The ONLY fault made by the driver was EXCESS SPEED! Not ONE other thing contributed to here DEATH!"
totally wrong as if he had anticiapted that there would be queuing traffic around the corner he would have been going a lot slower.
"YOUR claim that 'speeding kills is misleading' is TOTAL B*LL*CKS!"
I guess you must have typed a lot on this subject in the past and it would be a waste of all that for you to admit you are wrong. Just a shame it is all "TOTAL B*LL*CKS!" though.
Just one other thing, don't you think it a little "ill-informed" to go assuming people are "ill-informed" before you go into mindless rant mode?