Money you say. Well, I would happily agree with that, if you can tell me HOW governments etc benefit from the GW actions. Many folk on here claim that 'green' taxes are stealth taxes. So? Why does a government (well, an elected one) want to increase taxes in any way? It simply makes it LESS likely that they will be re-elected next time. Large industries...likewise...why should they WANT extra costs of complying with the various legislation that gets introduced. As a small co owner myself, I can tell you it's not fun!
Kudos. I take your probably IS pointless winning the debate, if its too late to take action. However, if it ISN'T too late already (some say that it is), surely it makes sense to try and correct the problem now? If it turns out that the theory is WRONG, then there will have been SOME harm done by those actions...but there will probably have been more GOOD done as a result; so on balance, I welcome the approach.
And....its quite possible that Kudos minor will agree with me!