good post Ian
the current system has got us in the brown stuff and my option may do the same, changing the party in control will not change the system
under my system i would change the number 10 E-Petitions site to a voting site, at the moment it is like a facebook site, i dont like cheese join but doesnt give the chance for cheese loves to vote
give the public the chance to express their view and let the majority rule, our voted in servants seemed to have forgot they are servants not our masters, we the majority tell them what to do not the other way around, that is a different system
if the elected servants dont listen the people that elected them you then step into a different system, add in broken election promises and it is a system with more bugs than vista
the end affect is you get people on the streets protesting and start grouping together and unelected taken law into their own and cars get broken because the media becomes the controling force
if you can get a majority to ban the wearing of socks with sandals then i would live by it
like the system that decides our next king or queen by sex or doesnt work in the new world and goes against the the thinking we are preached to follow......reglion comes in many forms
if you believe you know what is right for a whole country and happy to act on it against their views or even ask them..........that again is a different system
simple fact: for all its flaws Democracy is the majority deciding, you are just trying to restrict how much they decide based on what you believe is "right"
if you cant trust the system then dont try to defend it, you are putting what you think is right above the majority...thats a different system