You have made it clear in previous postings that you are all for draconian punishments for speeders.
Are you being consistent? Do you think that equally draconian measures should be applied to:
1) non-hands free mobile phone use? 2) going over the permitted hours for goods vehicles (falling asleep is thought to account for 33% of all motorway deaths - far more serious than speeding)? 3) Smoking? Fiddling with the sat nav/radio? 4) Tailgating? 5) And what about mothers who allow their toddlers to walk on the footpath without being restrained by them (50% of all pedestrian deaths are the fault of the pedestrian and only 8% are due to motorists going too fast) 6) What about parents who allow their children not wear seat belts?
I could go on. If you are consistent with your penalties for the things that actually cause significant numbers of accidents. There will be a vast reduction in accidents - because everyone will be in prison.
Don't get me wrong they ALL (including, perhaps especially, the mothers) need to be subject to penalties BUT you need to be consistent AND realistic. I don't think you are either.