Part of the reason some people drive close to the cars in front is because the car in front doesn't get "the hint" and move over, either because it's "their right" or simply because it saves looking in the rear view mirrors for moving in and out of lanes! Not to mention the "volunteer policemen".
Don't get me wrong OKD, I'm not knocking your proposal, it has merits, but needs working on to distinguish between the habitual and the occasional. Both dangerous, I admit. Also dangerous is lane hugging, undertaking etc. I honestly wish people would stop personalising all this driving malarkey and started simply driving. We're all on the roads only temporarily because we want to get from AtoB, cars are just that: cars. Moving obstacles to negotiate safely. No one is overtaking because he/she wants to drive faster than YOU, 1/2 minute and 1 mile later YOU don't even register on the memory! History! So why get involved in someone else's driving?