Wouldn't like to comment on your grandmother, but even the slowest drivers drive at lethal speeds. A head on collision with both drivers doing 30 is almost certainly fatal. And if your grandmother is REALLY that bad, she is more than likely to cause someone else to have a fatal accident, or be fatally injured herself.
So while the ballistic argument is simplistically valid it really doesn't get you very far - unless you are in favour of the red flag. Speed IS a significant risk factor - but nothing like as significant as the nut behind the wheel. Like I've said below DFT figures show 13% of fatal accidents involve speeding motorists - but at any one time 66% speed in 30 limits and over 50% on motorways and dual carriageways.
Now, if you were very silly, you might argue that speeding makes you safer. But what it actually means is that the psychology and skill of the driver is a MUCH bigger factor than speed alone.