Tangler... I don't know where you got that particular 5times thing, maybe you used the stats and calculated it, I can't find it in John's replies (I did look). If you calculated it you are a brave man to put forward the figure as it does simply show off the enormity of YOUR argument given that the stats argue away from it at the rate of 5:1!!!
Here's a couple of John's quotes who very clearly highlight his (very healthy) attitude to speeding on the roads:
"But perhaps, just perhaps, people who make their own mind up about the appropriate speed, by and large, do a better job of judgement than an inanimate circular board does. Radical concept I know.
Don't get me wrong I'm not suggesting that going over the limit MAKES you safer - just that simplistic assumptions that those who do are LESS SAFE are just that - simplistic, and demonstrably WRONG."
As you can see he doesn't make sweeping statements like SPEED KILLS, or SPEEDING KILLS, he is quite measured in interpreting what's happening on the roads. He is very careful NOT TO attribute the cause of accidents to ANY PARTICULAR reason but instead advocates that FOCUSING ON ONE has (so far) had 15 years of pitfalls!!! As supported by correctly interpreted statistics!!!
Are you, Ian and others prepared to work towards changing opinions if they need changing? Or are you in favour of continually drumming-on the wrong policy based on simply plucking, without proper interpretation, the highest figure shown on the stats?
We seem to be arguing about driving safely, you keep bogging down on KILL THE SPEED, KEEP THE DRIVER'S EYES ON SPEEDO NOT THE ROAD AHEAD!