While we should all think about our impact on the environment, every clear day I look up at the jet vapour trails in the sky and ask "just how many people on those jets actually need to be using them". So much business could be conducted 'face to face' over the internet. Is a holiday in Florida really necassary? A jumbo jet burns over 5 tonnes of fuel just taxi-ing from terminal to point of wheels leaving the ground. 5500 litres, 1223 gallons. Then all the emissions are dispersed right up in the upper atmosphere. You can go on and on. So traveling a 100 miles or so to a kart circuit, burning 6 to 8 litres of fuel in your kart pales into insignificance. Unless you stayed at home and did not use the car(s) all weekend would you actually save fuel/emissions. Even staying at home you are creating emissions..hot water...cooking...big colour TV etc. Your head will hurt just trying to get around the conumdrum.
My eldest son has just spent the weekend camping and walking around Snowdon. Very healthy and all that. However the round trip by car was probably close to 500 miles or more. I stayed at home and worked. Big race meeting at the MotoX track, still loads of RS motor homes and other 'campers'. More than at a S1 meeting. Practice on Monday. Lots of people seeking recreation.
Life goes on......