Like you said, there's plenty of people from around the world learning it so it isn't in danger, however, the beautiful indigenous accents might be given that most "english" taught outside these shores isn't English but Yankee Doodle!
It'll come a day when the government in the land will realise that reading, writing and counting are skills not just parts of the curiculum and maybe, just maybe, they'll put emphasis and fund into it!
Until then places like Hong-Kong and Japan will have to carry the flame! LOL
PS. Incidently asleytkm35, I wasn't having a go at you, just merely trying to point-out that there's value in presentation as well. Being fast on 4 wheels and able'n'willing to spanner are assets that can be hidden if not expressed in the right way! That's all I was trying to say, I'm sure you're a good and bright kid to understand!