....just caught up on sky+
Top gear maybe understands green, seen what the scrappage sham for what it is
it is a non green sham to kick start the industry they are taxing the comsumer not to use, private car, �2000 to get your banger off the road and you could buy a very nice push bike, a nice low fuel consuming moped or use �public� transport vouchers, no you have to keep using the private car, not a recyled one but a new one made from more new resources, new design( how many hours of wasted power), new crash tests......etc, sick to death of non greens at best hijacking the green cause and not being honest, its not green, it is how to save one races sorry ass and if it comes to it will would eat or destroy any other species to survive.........this rubbish has to stop and taxing me under some missundertood umbrella has to stop, let me choose what I think is important but dont force it on me by means of �green tax�,
and if we accept �green taxes� can help US not the globe, climate change etc lets make that tax fenced off, tax raised from petrol, diesel, road tax is put back into a controlled budget for use only in the delevopment of new ways to move us around, because at the moment green taxes vanish into a big pot of tax.........and that could be spent on anything, is a duck island green, a second home certainly isnt....get a caravan
but it wont happen because at this very moment you and me are taking out loans....loans we didnt sign and know we cant pay but will have to somehow but the ones who spent our money walk away with simple........i got it wrong, bye,