im 17 and on the road. i can safely say i have never pushed my car hard and never had the tires close to the point where they lose grip (apart from in the snow or the occasional wheelspin).
i tend to drive very sensibly, mostly because im a student so im always trying to save on petrol :D
i do however have a few mates who drive like nutters! the worst culprut being my mate with a 1.2 ibiza which he raggs everywhere! and why? because its so gutless and slow he has to to get it to move!!!
most of my mates pay between �1200-1800 for there insurance on their 1.1's and 1.4's. i think im the only 17 y/o at college with a 1.6!
so yes there are a few who drive like idiots but there are also quite a few of us who drive sensibly! id certainly class myself as a safer driver than my mum who probably pays �250 a year insurance for her BMW.
all of us are just saving up until we're 21 and the insurance goes down a bit so we can buy proper cars.