making the wrong one and that is what will happen in a hung parliament. Everything would take ages for all parties to come to an agreement, the country would be running along without a clear direction and would die a slow death.
If you take it to the extreme look at China, one direction, nobody is allowed to object and look at how fast their economy has grown.
To look at it from a perspective that most people will be more familiar with, imagine in your workplace you have 1 manager and 10 workers working under that manager. The manager listens to the workers about what they like about their jobs, what they don't like, what tools they need, how much work they are able to be done in a day etc. The workers can request for time off, more pay, extra staff to help them, better facilities, new tools and equipment etc. Now the manager can listen to this but the manager is the only one who makes the decision and the decision will not suit everybody but a decision is made in the best interests of the business that the manager works for. Lots of workers hate the manager but the business runs along at a reasonable pace and the workers are not entirely happy but they are happy enough to turn up to work each day and they keep their jobs and they get paid.
Now imagine if you suddenly decided that instead of having a manager and 10 workers you decided to make all of them both managers and workers. All decisions were made by everyone and everybody had to come to an agreement with every decision made. Can you imagine how little work you would get done in a day? Everyone would be just arguing over the smallest little things. Well a similar thing would happen under a hung parliament and it would be at the expense of the tax payer.