Yet again it appears the history I was taught is rubbish. I had the understanding that Harold Wilson's labour government stopped free milk to secondary school pupils in 1968. It will be a shame if this is wrong as it appears to be one of the few good decisions a labour government has made.
In 1971 Thatcher, then education secretary, stopped free milk to children over seven. At the time more money was spent on free milk than on books. It appears she concluded that the limited resources would be better used on books in schools rather than milk.
We can see now how stupid she was. What she should have done is borrowed huge amounts of money and paid for milk and books. When she later became Prime Minister she should have borrowed huge amounts of money to prop up non profit making British industries. Then borrow some more just to give to work shy voters.
Can you imagine how popular she would now be. Idiots would now be saying, �do you remember the good times under Thatcher, when we all had whatever we wanted and didn't have to work for it�.
It would be left to a few of us to say �is that the good times just before we went bankrupt�?