Hi Bertie, Think i will go for yamaha from what you have said and as every1 ses yamaha is good. The next question is price? i have the cymbol stands and cymbols like i said however i would like one where the floor tom attatches to the cymbol stand, dnt no what different this makes but alot of people have them, i also want a double bass pedal.
So how much would it set me back to buy a basic drum set with the 3 toms and the snare and the bass with a double bass pedal and then some cymbols maybe. but like i said wouldnt need stands. i will probably use part of this kit i have now with the new 1 like i might have 2 snares and 2 floor toms etc.
anyway if any of that makes sense if you could give me a price range for my requirements that would be great. its all well and good asking shops but they want to sell to you so i need a third persons view.
rjbcar27, thanks i have looked at electreic kits but for a good 1 iv heard they are mega pricey. so will keep with acoustic for now.