Fronting insurance - has been common knowledge for some time - Insure one car at your house hold in your name, your name in log book too and add young son as a named driver on limited mileage. Any other cars re register at another address, business ect. Go to the compare web 'sites', there are a few and feck around for a while, that'll probably be the cheapest way. Use a 'dump email address' cause thay will end up sending you useless emails filling up ur spam box. After 3 years it should be cheap enough - claim free - to go it on his own. My 'friends' quote went from 1200/1400 a year to 400/500 saving a few grand over 3 years. Also change vehicle choice, 1.3 fords are usually good. Dont think of putting in a smaller engine to reduce insurance costs, it counts as a 'mod' and increases premium. Hope this might help. �8k for a kids insurance is a joke.