'Until somebody comes up with a crystal ball that can tell you in advance who is going to kill or maim the next innocent party? Then it can only be done on probability'.
If you can show probability that each individual driver is going to kill or maim an innocent party, I suggest we ban driving.
We can't show that because it isn't true.
Also, 'all' drivers do not cause carnage as you state........ some drivers do.
I often wonder why when life is based on probabilities, we don't seem to teach it in schools? Why aren't we inundated with books about understanding probabilities?
I once did a quiz where a question was:- if we assume a coin is a 50/50 chance and it comes up heads three times, what are the odds of it coming up heads on the next flip. Only 2 people got it right, and one of them wasn't the question master.