You set ridiculous rules for me......I pointed out that they where ridiculous and asked you to answer using the SAME rules.
But you didn't....... you changed the rules.
The rules as YOU set them say.... if you can't take a test every 5 years, you only have the option to stop driving. If you do this you will be an imbecile.......if you don't..... then we should not believe you think what you say you think......according to you.
You defended yourself in another way...... your rules said I couldn't defend myself in any other would be spurious or a smoke screen....... according to you.
This was all your 'logic'.......not mine.
I didn't say I think you're pretending to think that the testing system should be was an EXAMPLE to show how ridiculous YOUR rules are.
I already knew most of your have mentioned it before.....but your rules didn't offer me the courtesy to reply in such a way.
The only reason you would set such restrictive rules on my reply is because you are already CERTAIN that you are right.......therefore certain I am wrong.(more tea vicar?)
I think I�ve said before......certainty is what believers have......logic and reason that you say you understand....NEVER shows certainty.
You DIDN'T ask me to explain MY already know I am wrong......because you KNOW as an absolute FACT that you are right......clever considering you have never asked to here my reasoning......believe I'm pretending if you wish.....but remember your certainty produces ignorance.