ITPRO whilst i agree with you with the "it should be the same charge whether u kill sum1 or not" idea, it would simply not be possible to enforce. they would have to PROVE that you definatley would have killed sum1 had they been stood there. if you get urself a good lawyer, then charging you in court for sumthing which COULD have happened will be very difficult as it DIDNT actually happen.
dont get me wrong tho, i do agree with you, like how the ATTEMPTED murder charge is less than just a murder. which is rediculous! but my point is, it would be very hard to charge sum1 over would could/would/should of happened. see what im saying? ALSO on the young driver thing. im currently 17 and im paying 3 thousand pounds to be insured 3rd party on a 1.6 ford focus. yes i hav so far beaten the odds of insurance company *** heads and not crashed. anyway, my insurance states that i am insured on ANY car 3rd party aslong as i have the owners permission, providing i dnt use it more than i use my own. so this guy may have that policy?