Just thought that I would post this again as I don't normally look at the "Chat" stream.
Clark Cowell I believe that your intentions are good but the website www.iwanttobearacingdriver.com is incredibly amateurish and, may I say suspect, as it is lacking serious content. Have you proof read the content. e.g. "Okay, stop reading and get onto the Contact & Regiteration page, come on who knows where this journey will take you?" Check the spelling.
In no particular order -
Where is the list of circuits where each event will take place? I assume that all equipment is provided, as the website defines only three types of kart. What are the racing regulations?
You are asking, mainly cash strapped, karters to commit a �100 deposit for a race series that apparently has not yet been set in concrete.
I have also checked your facebook page, which also promotes your idea, but also contains posts from yourself containing "f***ing" ; "b*llocks" et al. Not very professional, methinks.
If the "Racing Driver Competition" takes off and is a success then congratulations. Just keep it professional.